What is FMLA?
The Family and Medical Leave Act provides unpaid job-protected leave to eligible employees.
Watch the video below for more detailed information.
Sterling will administer federal and state leave requirements for companies with 50+ employees.
Why Choose Sterling?
Help You Achieve Personal and Financial Wellness
We understand how important it is for healthcare benefit programs to be in full compliance with increasingly complex regulations. Our dedicated and certified compliance team gives you peace of mind with expert compliance services. Our customer service is top-notch. We offer white-glove service paired with a cutting-edge technology platform for our broker/agent, partners, employer groups, and account holders.

Our Platform automatically uploads new and changing federal and state leave laws as they arise, so we're always on top of the latest legislation.
With hands-on implementation, we work with you and handle all phases of leave management setup.
From phone to email, we connect with the employee to support and help with all FMLA needs and requirements.
We have 17 years of experience in administering account-based programs.
We provide better flexible, and more affordable service offerings.
Your company can face unwanted litigation if leaves are mishandled. You can rely on us to keep you in compliance.
Let's Make Things Happen
Please complete the form to obtain additional information on Sterling’s FMLA services and pricing.
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